Help Us Continue Our Work By Purchasing This Very Cool New 'Museum-in-a-Box'...
By Brad Friedman on 10/7/2007, 1:29pm PT  

We haven't had much luck in raising donations, so I've been going out of my way to try and find premiums in order to offer some incentives to help encourage folks to support our work here at The BRAD BLOG.

The folks at DK publishing have been kind enough to offer a very limited number of copies of Chuck Wills' gorgeous new hardback, LINCOLN: THE PRESIDENTIAL ARCHIVES, to us for use as a premium.

This one is really cool. I suspect that folks here may really appreciate this particular item. As the publishers describe it, the book is an "interactive 'museum-in-a-box' including removable documents and replicas of Lincoln's personal correspondence, landmark speeches and more. Accessible text and photography throughout brings Lincoln's childhood, political ride, presidency, the Civil War era, and untimely assassination to life on the page."

The brand new book --- with literally hundreds of cool pull-outs --- has a suggested retail price of $40, so we're offering it as a premium to folks who make a donation to BRAD BLOG of $100 or more. It's more pricey than our usual offerings, but we hope there are enough folks out there who may be interested in the topic, and in supporting our work, to jump on this one.

We've got just a few of them, but will ship them out ASAP to folks who donate $100 or more online right away. For those who prefer snail mail donations, our address is...

Brad Friedman
7095 Hollywood Blvd., #594
Los Angeles, CA 90028

...though if these get snatched up right away, we can't necessarily guarantee they will be available by the time your check gets here. If that's the case, we'll let you know before we deposit the check. Please include the word "LINCOLN" on the snail mail check if you chose to go that route. We'll otherwise update this item as soon as we run out of books to give away.

Thanks for your consideration and support of The BRAD BLOG!

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