Has Best Favorability Rating of All Front-runner Dems Among All Registered Voters...
By Brad Friedman on 10/26/2007, 7:20pm PT  

(CBS/WBEN) - Hillary Clinton continues to be the frontrunner for the Democratic nomination for president, and many voters say they’ll consider supporting her in November 2008 if she becomes the Democratic nominee.

Still, there are obstacles. Many voters think a Hillary Clinton presidency will divide the country rather than unite it. And when Al Gore is added to the list of Democratic candidates, he trails by only five points.
Although he has not declared his candidacy, this poll indicates that were he to enter the race, Al Gore could be a serious contender. Near the end of this questionnaire, his name was added to a short list of candidates vying for the nomination. He came in second among Democratic primary voters at 32% – just five points behind Hillary Clinton. Barack Obama trailed behind them in third place with 16% percent.

We note that his favorable/unfavorable rating among registered Democrats in this poll is currently at 46/29. That's better than than any of the others in the race (Clinton: 26/63 *43/41, Obama: 38/24, Edwards: 30/30)

Here are all the numbers from WBEN...

* UPDATE/ED NOTE 10/27/07: WBEN's favorable/unfavorable numbers for Clinton were incorrect, according to CBS's original numbers [PDF]. Gore still has the best favorable/unfavorable rating of all the Democratic candidates among all registered voters. However, WBEN's contention that Clinton's fave/unfave is at 26/63 is entirely wrong. It's 43/41, as we've now noted above. Their incorrect numbers on her, for that question, seem to be taken from an entirely different question in the poll. At least that's our best guess. Details on all of that now follow below...

Here are the favorable/unfavorable numbers as seen at the WBEN page, and as originally quoted above:

But here are the actual numbers, as seen at CBS' site. NOTE: Clinton's favorable/unfavorable is 43/41, instead of 26/63 as reported by WBEN:

So where did WBEN get 26/63 for Clinton's fave/unfave numbers when all of the other candidates were reported correctly? No idea, but our best guess is from a different poll question, concerning religious beliefs, which gives an answer showing that, among likely Democratic Primary Voters, 26% believe she has "strong religious beliefs", while 63% don't:

CORRECTION: In our update, we reported CBS' favorable/unfavorable as 43/31, though the screen shot from CBS above showed it correctly as 43/41. We've now fixed that typo to reflect the correct numbers in our text. We've also learned at the same time that there is no such thing as "a quickie post" as we thought this one would be when we first posted it! :-)

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