By Alan Breslauer on 7/16/2008, 1:20pm PT  

Guest Blogged by Alan Breslauer

Earlier this month, writer, director, producer, and actor John Wellington Ennis released a free online election documentary titled Free For All. The trailer (4:21, at right) for the smart, informative, and hugely entertaining flick is below (with none other than Brad Friedman serving as the video thumbnail) while the entire movie can be downloaded here.

Meanwhile, today David Earnhardt, who brought us the excellent election integrity documentary Uncounted, The New Math of American Elections, released a clip (7:04, below right) from the movie about Clint Curtis. The clip also features Brad.

[Ed Note: Help support The BRAD BLOG! Special premium offer for DVD of Uncounted, signed by the filmmaker, is available only to BRAD BLOG readers here.]

For more on Curtis see The BRAD BLOG's special Clint Curtis coverage.

It is also worth noting that Brad Friedman figures prominently in both documentaries.

[Ed Note: ...But they're worth watching anyway!]

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