Hopelessly Corrupt Rep Goes On to Compare the Community Organization to the KKK!...
By Brad Friedman on 10/12/2008, 1:07pm PT  

Well, isn't this rich? Tom Feeney --- yes, that Tom Feeney, the one who is alleged to have commissioned vote-rigging software for touch-screen voting machines in 2000, as testified to by former Republican software programmer Clint Curtis in a sworn affidavit, sworn testimony to congress, and a successful polygraph test --- went on Fox "News" this week to decry unsubstantiated charges of "voter fraud" by the low-income voter registration community organization ACORN.

(And if you're done laughing...)

Feeney --- the man who, as Speaker of the FL House in 2000, also promised to award all of the state's electoral votes to George W. Bush no matter what the ballots and Supreme Court had to say about it --- then went on to compare ACORN to the KKK...

I believe every time ACORN gets a dead person to vote [ed note: they haven't], or an illegal alien [ed note: haven't done that either], or someone to vote 20 or 30 times [ed note: nope], they are cancelling out the votes of honest American citizens. This is destructive of our democracy.

I believe Acorn has violated more Americans' civil rights to have their votes counted than any group since the KKK. It's an outrage.

The hopelessly corrupt Feeney is in a desperate campaign to save his U.S. Congressional seat in FL's 24th district, against a challenge from Democrat Suzanne Kosmas (who recently defeated Curtis in the primary, after he had changed parties, in part, in order to try and unseat his former-colleague, Feeney.)

Feeney has also been seen on TV, of late, in his district, 'apologizing' in an embarrassing campaign ad, for having gone on a trip to play golf in Scotland with (and paid for by) disgraced Republican uber-lobbyist, Jack Abramoff.

RAW STORY has more, including the video of the laughable Feeney appearance on Fox "News" this week.

BTW... The terrifying new documentary film, Murder, Spies & Voting Lies, detailing the Feeney/Curtis vote-rigging scandal, and The BRAD BLOG's four year odyssey in reporting it, has now been released. It's also screening on LinkTV, and can be purchased --- signed by myself and filmmaker, Patty Sharaf --- as a premium in support of The BRAD BLOG right here.

UPDATE 10/12/08: Whoops, forgot to mention that if Feeney were actually concerned about voter fraud in his home state, he'd call for immediate prosecution in this actual, documented, but still unprosecuted case of voter fraud in Florida!

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