RNC Notes Variance From Polling Results Could Cast Doubt On 'Validity of Election Results'...
By Brad Friedman on 11/5/2008, 5:13pm PT  

An ironic and interesting item that we missed as it ran yesterday, but which we'll store away for future reference [emphasis added]...

On Tuesday, Forensicon, a Chicago computer forensic company, said that it was contacted last week by a security firm last week to assist the Republic National Committee (RNC) in challenging cases of "computerized voter fraud."

"If the election returns vary significantly from the polled numbers in any precincts that proves crucial to the election outcome, I expect that a legal struggle over the validity of the election results will ensue," said Forensicon's President, Lee Neubecker in a press release.

The move seems to indicate a future move by the RNC to challenge certain voting results, in some contradiction to past RNC actions regarding electronic voting

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