With Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen...
By Desi Doyen on 5/25/2010, 1:20pm PT  

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IN TODAY'S RADIO REPORT: New Rules for truck mileage; King Coal on the Congressional hot seat.... PLUS: Beyond Patience: Tough talk from the feds amid new accusations of corruption, as the gusher keeps on gushing, and now NUKES(?!) --- nobody in government seems to be getting the message... All that and more in today's Green News Report!

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IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (see links below): China, India Lead the Developing World in Green Building; Study projects Senate climate bill would add less than a quarter to gas prices; Google launches green-product institute; Alfalfa sprouts linked to latest salmonella outbreak; New oil spill off Singapore; How worried should we be about everyday chemicals? ...PLUS: Oil companies fund initiative to repeal California’s landmark climate law...


(Stuff we didn't have time for in today's audio report)...

  • The Plastic Panic: How worried should we be about everyday chemicals? (New Yorker):
    On May 6th, the President’s Cancer Panel issued a report deploring the rising number of carcinogens released into the environment—including BPA—and calling for much more stringent regulation and wider awareness of their dangers. The panel advised President Obama “to use the power of your office to remove the carcinogens and other toxins from our food, water, and air that needlessly increase health care costs, cripple our Nation’s productivity, and devastate American lives.” Dr. LaSalle Leffall, Jr., the chairman of the panel, said in a statement, “The increasing number of known or suspected environmental carcinogens compels us to action, even though we may currently lack irrefutable proof of harm.
  • China, India Lead the Developing World in Green Building: South Africa Stands Alone in Africa in Embracing Sustainable Construction, Report Says (Solve Climate)
  • Study projects Senate climate bill would add less than a quarter to gas prices (The Hill)
  • Alfalfa sprouts linked to latest salmonella outbreak (Baltimore Sun)
  • Tanker and Bulk Carrier Collide Off Singapore: A tanker and a bulk carrier collided in waters between Singapore and Malaysia on Tuesday morning, resulting in an estimated 2,000 tonnes of oil spilled, authorities from the two countries said.(Reuters)
  • Glitzy Google gathering launches green-product institute (Greenwire)
  • California scheming: Oil companies fund initiative to repeal California’s landmark climate law (Grist):
    Oil is nothing if not brazen, so while BP works to protect its tattered reputation in the Gulf, two Texas oil companies are on the attack in California. Their target is Assembly Bill 32, the most ambitious cap-and-trade climate plan in the nation, which was signed into law by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R) in 2006 and is set to really kick into gear next year. Their weapon is a ballot initiative that would mothball the plan until state unemployment drops to below 5.5 percent for four consecutive quarters (from a current 12.6 percent), which would effectively kill the plan for the time being.
    [R]efinery companies Tesoro and Valerog and private donors have poured more than $1 million into the campaign. Clean-air advocates worry that figure could reach $50 million by year's end.

    The group works under the name California Jobs Initiative, which is ironic given the threat it poses to jobs in the state's growing cleantech industry...

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