(90 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 6:20 am PT...
Maybe someone should tell him that the money we've put together better be used for a recount, or it's going to be used instead to fund a personal lawsuit against him for malfeasance and damaging our rights to vote. Perhaps if he feels he might be made broke in certain courts, he might think differently.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Robert Fisher
said on 7/13/2006 @ 6:51 am PT...
Damnit, where is Busby and the Democratic Party? They surely have money, and it is going to take money to fight these damn crooks. Sue the Hell out of everyone complicit in this fiasco! Get as much attention as possible to the corruption going on by the f-----g Republican scum! Where's Debra Brown on this? Boxer, Feinstein, etc.?
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:13 am PT...
Well, if this is an indication of what's going to happen "en masse" Nov. 2, the only alternative people will have is to riot. What else can they do, if election officials aren't following the law and the will of the people? The people now know elections are being stolen blatantly in front of their faces. The election officials are saying, "Fuck You, American voters!!! What are you gonna do about it?"
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:19 am PT...
Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. Is this official Haas saying, "Fuck You" to the voters of San Diego??? Yes or No???
Brad, post a video of Anchorman Ron Burgundy saying, "Fuck You, San Diego!"
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:32 am PT...
I think Busby, the DLC, et many alia should be named as codefendants in any law suits. What a scandal! What kind of hay do they think KKKarl would be raking in over this were the roles reversed? I don't think we'll have to riot actively, Big Dan, but I do think an enormous number of people will have to take peacefully to the streets and surround the corrupt individuals, preferably until they starve to death! I'll be the aging hippy artfully fashioning stunning tinfoil hats for allies and trolls alike
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:33 am PT...
Has anyone forwarded any of this info to Jon Stewart? Does anyone have any video he can show?
Though, he usually only seems to have things on that can be made into "short funnies".. he might not be willing to talk about how our Democracy is being locked in a vault and kept away from .. um.. the voters..? Course, he -might- send someone to SD to try and get some interviews, which would give him something to "show" his viewers.
And I'd guess the Democrats aren't "making a stink" or "fronting any money" because they don't care about "this election" or it's results.. I mean, they would be spending money on a candidate that would only have power for a few months, why do that? ..... Oh.. Right.. because we're not talking about "candidates", we're talking about the integrity of our Elections, something the Dems clearly don't care about.. Flag burning, now THERE'S a topic that the Dems can get behind.. Fair and transparent Elections? Na, pass.. not worth the trouble. Too bad those morons don't understand that this is "a preview" of what will be happening in 2006, and when they try to make a stink about THAT, they will be "crying over sour grapes" and ignored.. just like in 2004 in Ohio (where the election was stolen for Shrubby).
Where was it that I get a passport, again?
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:36 am PT...
PS - You have to get up pretty early in the morning to beat Ole Brad to the punch!!!!
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:39 am PT...
czaragorn, the problem has become that Americans (in general) don't have the time (or will) to "march peacefully". They have jobs all day, then kids to feed/clothe/entertain. Kids today don't care about anything but playing games or surfing the net, and parents today don't have the time to teach their kids much more than that.
In order for people to "march in the streets", they would have to take off of work. If employers find out about the plans (and support BushCo, like most good business owners do) and mandate that their people "be at work or be fired", most people won't risk it.. and a LOT of states have "no fault termination policies", which means the boss can fire you withOUT cause.. and there by makes it a risk most people won't take. Losing your job in this market means losing everything (but still having to pay for it, thanks to the new bankruptcy laws).
And, most people still have NO CLUE as to what's going on around them. They are willfully ignorant because admitting to the truth is a painful endeavor. People don't want to admit that they have helped create this monster by their greed and lack of regard for their fellow man and/or planet.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 8:22 am PT...
I appreciate your misgivings, Savanster, and it's true that many people couldn't dare take time off, but there are a bajillion small business employers out there. Please forgive me for feeling thankful for the human race, warts and all. And, yes, I think there are lots of people who would put lots more than their jobs on the line if it came to a last stand. I submit, plagiarizing from the Walrus, "The time has come... to think of many things," etc... Or if you insist on some other walrus, Koo koo ka choo! Seriously, what if we could arrange for 250,000 concerned citizens a day demonstrating on the Mall, with reinforcements coming in regularly, in fact surrounding the Capitol, and giving no indication of giving in, ALL THIS IN A KEY ELECTION YEAR, no less. Consider how hard it's gonna be to turn a 70-30 exit poll advantage to a 51-49 "actual count" loss! "Drat! Missed it by that much!" Help, 99, I forgot the password, and I stepped my shoe phone into some dog poop. Msaybe we could follow Plan B and all 6 or 7 of us sending little bags of pretzels to the WH
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 8:31 am PT...
File a petition for a writ of mandamus in the superior court of San Diego County.
Ask that the court to order Haas to comply.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
Robert M
said on 7/13/2006 @ 8:58 am PT...
Most likely the reason he's not turning over the chain of custody logs is because they are incomplete or non-existent.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 9:00 am PT...
Yo Dredd, Brad's future Attorney General! Go get 'em, dood! (Did you hear that DoJ flack? " ... the president is always right"!)
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
Robert Lockwood Mills
said on 7/13/2006 @ 9:37 am PT...
I promised I wouldn't do this again, but I can't resist.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 9:42 am PT...
Of course they had to run out the clock or the fraud would have been uncovered. What else could they do. Add Haas to the list of bad guys on the take.
Yeah, I say file a lawsuit against him PERSONALLY.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 9:51 am PT...
Never underestimate the power of Freeway Blogging and the Whispering Campaign.
I believe the time is right, we are in the majority now.
The masses are awakening and are ready to listen - we have to make them hear us.
Hang in there y'all, they may win some battles, but they won't win this war.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 9:52 am PT...
I am not a constitutional lawyer or any kind of an attorney by any means, I am just a live sound engineer,
It seems to me there is an extremely logical legal avenue to force these corrupt Fascists to comply with The Constitution.....
1.) It is my RIGHT as a Citizen of the United States of America, under the Constitution of the United States, to be represented in the Government of the United States, by Representatives selected to office by ELECTED representatives.
2.) The Congress of the United States writes the laws that protect my inalienable rights as guranteed me under the Bill of Rights as attached to the Constitution of the United States. The Congress of The United States designates how much, and for what reasons my Taxes are spent.
3.) The Congress of the United States Passes or Defeats legislation based on majority opinions through voting on various legislative measures within Congress, therefore, The fact that I don't even live in the 50th Congressional District is immaterial as to damages to MY PERSONAL Civil Rights by Mr. Hass. An illegally sworn in Representative to Congress can cancel the power of the vote of MY representative when the illegally confirmed congressman votes in opposition to my LEGALLY elected Representative.
4.) On it's face, this is a direct Violation of MY Civil Rights as guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States.
5.) Hass doesn't even have to be party to, or have knowledge of, direct complicity in the Electronic Election Fraud at the base of this whole thing. He becomes an accomplice "After the Fact" by refusing to comply with Ms. Jacobsons legal request for the Recount, Therefore, He is as potentially guilty of election malfeasence as any individual or group of individuals, that directly falsified election results through electronic means.
6.) These things combined spell out Criminal Violation of My Civil Rights as Guranteed under the Constitution of the United States.
Why isn't the ACLU persuing this line of argument to bring forward a case? This seems to me like a plausible argument for a case with teeth and in addition to real jail time for Mr. Hass if convicted, opens the door to a MASSIVE Civil Suit and the potential for Huge Punitive Monetary Dammages to be awarded to the Plaintif(s)in the suit.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 9:58 am PT...
Czaragorn #12
Yep, it is a simple lawsuit specially made in California. I have done it myself.
Yes I noticed that a DoJ official testified before the Senate Judicial Committee that "the president is always right" to which I would say "far right".
The republican dictatorship continues to dismantle and destroy the election integrity (link here).
Floridiot and I are doing a little Lemme thingy on this thread:
You are invited ... and anyone else who wants to get to the bottom of the reality that one person for the past decade or so has certified EVM's even tho there have been as many as 10 ITA companies "doing the certifications".
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
Charlie L
said on 7/13/2006 @ 9:59 am PT...
If this were Mexico or the Ukraine or any place that actually gave a fart about Democracy, there would be a mob outside Haas' office and he would have to literally drive through crowds of people with a police escort just to get to work. His house would be picketed, and he would have to hustle off his family to an "undisclosed location" to protect them.
It will either come to that here in the USA or we will wake up one morning in 2009 to discover that we live in a country we don't recognize.
I keep wondering how different this country would be and how much more seriously people like Haas would take this "game" they play if somebody had offed Harris after 2000 or Blackwell after 2004. If the "consequences" of criminal destruction of Democracy in the name of expediency (or partisan victory) were more blatant and clear (like they are in the streets of Iraq) then maybe people like Haas would re-consider their actions.
Savantster, did you find out where to get that passport? Let me know. Have they started putting the RFID chips in them yet?
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
Charlie L
said on 7/13/2006 @ 10:12 am PT...
Somebody, please tell Busby that she is THROUGH.
She is NOT going to be the candidate in November. Her political career is FINISHED.
If she thought she was "keeping her powder dry" she's going to discover just how dry it's gonna get. The spigot of MONEY is going to dry up. This woman and the DNC that funded her has sold us out. They are no better than the opposition.
I will personally move to San Diego and set out on the single-handed mission of totally destroying her career in politics or any other public venue if she ever tries to run for so much as dog catcher.
She had her chance, and now she has given up the right to represent ANYBODY. Maybe the Republicans will take her in.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 10:15 am PT...
IrishAmerican #16
The standard procedure in California is to petition the Superior Court, in this case in San Diego, for a Writ of Mandate or a Writ of Prohibition.
Here is an example of such a petition in an election context (link here).
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 10:16 am PT...
Not sure about that Passport thing, but I've noticed a (mildly disturbing, on the surface) post about HAARP? Something about the government playing with very high power "ratio transmissions" that might be able to be used to control weather and mind-control? I have to read up on it more, the links I had didn't make a lot of sense to me... presuming HAARP doesn't cause my brain to not want to learn about it
Perhaps we'll lose our interest in getting out of the country, and will muddle through the day doing menial labor for peanuts..
Presuming my brain stays working as is, fleeing a sinking ship will be an activity that occurs "soon".. Just not sure where to go!
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 10:28 am PT...
Paper is kept rolled up in a machine, kept for a recount or any election dispute.
Mikel Haas quote
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 11:00 am PT...
Well, it looks like old Erma was right and knew what she was talking about last week when I (Erma) said this wasn't going to go anywhere and was a grand waste of time and money.
All I got on here last week was being called a troll. Just because someone does not share your wishful thinking does not make them a troll, folks.
Now do you understand why I said it is time for a "peaceful" revolution? Nothing will change without one. You can do all the lawsuits you want. A waste of time these days in this political context and climate.
As I said last week, our voting system is fradulent and broken and our corrupt one-party system in DC has no intention of fixing it. Period. And we have an injustice court system.
Oh, I guess that makes me a troll then for saying all that. Oh well, I've been called far worse than that.
Time for revolution. Time to get up out of your chairs and stop your wishful thinking that things are going to change through the traditional means.
But you know, I bet nothing will change. You'll continue on with your wishful thinking and talk about how the worthless and useless Dems need to be supported no matter what.
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
Winter Patriot
said on 7/13/2006 @ 11:05 am PT...
RLM re #13 I can't believe you've got me doing this too, Mr. Mills, but I promise this will be my last time:
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 11:09 am PT...
Has anyone tried looking into the email or see if there has been any pivate meetings with these election officials? I can't think of any logical reason they are all sticking their heads in the sand like this, and going out of their way to keep people OUT of the democratic process. The onlything that makes any sense to me is they are either (a) all paid off by the voting companies, or (b) they are being warned by the companies or the Republican party that this "oversight" is a liberal ploy. Either way, someone from outside is trying to illegaly control and exert influence over the democratic process.
When elections officials are going ut of their way to NOT follow their own laws and not be open and accountable to voters you know something extremely corrupt is going on.
HOnestly, Brad, I think this is where we need to be looking right now. Moreso even than the voting machines themselves. Once these "officials" are proven to be influenced/corrupted then we can get them out of the way and focus on the machines. Becuase right now, there will be no checking out the machines in a timely manner so long as these people are blocking them with every action.
I seriously suspect that Democracy has been sold out or unduly influenced. I'd like to be open minded and blame the Democrats and Republicans BOTH...but one side seems to be favoring from all these issues and it certainly ins't the Dems. And we all know that as soon as a few REpublicans lose their seats this NOvemeber, suddenly the whole Republican party AND the MSM will be talking about voting problems. By then it will be too late (again) for the rest of us.
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 11:09 am PT...
Okay. The standard when the law is broken is to take it to the DA or the AG, through the police or directly. If you can't get them to force the law to be followed or upheld, then you go in with your writs for court orders, go the administrative law route. That is how you attempt to make the right thing happen in time. Then, if that has failed, you sue the pants off them, and Bilbray is in office illegally the whole time you're doing it.
It did not sound to me as if softball was the set-up here, but maybe it was just a bluff and it got called.
Hey! This isn't a little county administration spat. The players in this little opera better get real, get serious as a heart attack, or we are all effectively steamrolled by one punk in one county.
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 11:36 am PT...
I will note again, that one long standing concern that our local Dem groups here in San Diego that we've been concerned abou since well before this election is that the local Board of Supervisors has been a monopoly of Republicans for about a decade now. This is the body that has oversight over Mikel Haas and Sally McPherson (relation to Bruce McPherson????) before him, that also gave Dick Murphy the mayor's office earlier when they chose not to look at voter intent when they chose not to count the write-in votes for Donna Frye that didn't have the bubble checked but had her name written out that would have given her the office.
In this last election, we thought we could break through this barrier with Richard Barrera, a decent Democrat running for this board, in a district that arguably had a majority of registered Democrats versus Republicans. He wasn't well known enough to beat Ron Roberts who was well known from that earlier mayoral election, and who also was "endorsed" as a "Democratic Choice" through a slimey campaign flyer that made it sound like it was from the Democratic Party. I'd like to find out who put out that flyer, as I'd bet that they are part of what appears to be this increasingly criminal looking body of politicians.
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 11:48 am PT...
Re: Comment #26:
Rosencrantz said:
QUOTE: Has anyone tried looking into the email or see if there has been any pivate meetings with these election officials? END QUOTE
What kind of drugs are you looney people on? How on Earth does "anyone" look into PRIVATE emails of election officials? How does one look into private emails of other people? Unless you are the NSA.
LOL. I swear, you people are looney on here with your pie-in-the-sky suggestions.
To the rest of your post including the part about "you seriously suspect democracy has been sold out", as my grandson would say:
Well duh. You just now figured that out?
Okay, now it's time for the thin-skinned people to drag out the old "troll card" for Erma. lol.
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
Charlie L
said on 7/13/2006 @ 11:53 am PT...
I don't disagree with Emma, but I wonder what a "peaceful" revolution will look like?
Revolution implies a total change of power.
Power like this does not give up easily.
I can imagine these corrupt Republicans in power easily ignoring or spinning 1 million or even 5 million people in the streets as merely "agitators" or "troublemakers" or worse. Wait, I don't have to imagine it --- that's exactly what they did when millions of people marched in February/March 2003 against the War in Iraq.
I'm not sure how we will stop this train wreck that is so clearly in progress. It's like watching in slow motion and not being able to do ANYTHING about it. First the debacle in 2000, then the stolen mid-terms in 2002, then the Blackwell mess in 2004, then Hacket and a second "Warren County problem", then NC, Utah, Georgia and Iowa, now CA-50. And at every turn, we get stonewalled, we get pissed, we write, we yell, sometimes we march, they keep stonewalling, we never kill anybody or even turn violent, and in the end they get away with it.
I can see November 2006 as clearly as if it was HISTORY already writ. The polls will show discontent against Republicans running at 65-70% against and yet they will win most races by 51% to 49%. The ones they lose, they will claim election fraud (they really have NO sense of irony) so that we will not be able to.
With a "mandate" from the re-election of their Rubber Stamp Republican Congress, the neo-cons will finish up the solidification of their "unitary executive" while the MSM will push either a DINO or somebody they brand "unelectable" as the Democratic candidate for '08, guaranteeing a "can't lose" for the Neo-cons.
After that, it would take an outside intervention by a foreign power(s) to restore Democracy to the USA, and I can't see any force on the planet interested enough to do it.
Please, tell me I'm wrong.
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 12:46 pm PT...
I know that it's buying a pig in a poke, but I wish that Jacobson had put in the check for $6000 before the deadline. That would put a stopper in the whole "you didn't make the deadline argument" that will come out next...
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 7/13/2006 @ 12:57 pm PT...
There really is a part of the movie "Anchorman", where Will Ferrell accidentally signs off by saying, "Fuck You, San Diego". Because it was on the teleprompter.
Can you think of a video clip more appropriate to all of these GOP shennannigans going on in San Diego?
They should change their football team from the "Chargers" to the DIE-BOLTS", and keep the lightning bolt on their helmets.
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 7/13/2006 @ 1:05 pm PT...
Erma, what's happening in our country, is that it seems those who break the laws, nothing happens to they break the law!!! Why not???
Now, if some black guy somewhere broke a law, they're right on it! Laws seem to be applied selectively.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
Charlie L
said on 7/13/2006 @ 2:17 pm PT...
Robert (#2): Good question. Where ARE the Democrats?
As somebody wrote recently, they are SCARED of the blogosphere and those who inhabit it, because we can't be easily controlled by their "talking points" but actually read and think. Many Dems still believe the system works and that if they just shut up and wait, they will get their chance to be in power. They don't understand that the rules have changed and that they will find themselves in a gulag before they will hold power under a corrupt system.
Maybe if WE ask often enough "Where are the Democrats? Where's Busby?" then the media covering this story will repeat it once or twice (as in "Many in the blogs are wondering where the Democrats are during this process, as well as where Ms. Busby herself has gone. They insist that if she is going to run again in November she has an obligation to those who voted for her to see this manual count through, if only to restore confidence in the electoral process.") and it will force them to get into the fray.
We are being "Kerry'ed" again.
The more I think about how the Democrats have left us to fight for Democracy by ourselves (for heaven's sake, the San Diego Democratic Party probably spends more than $6,000 a month on LUNCHES) it just makes me want to spew.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 4:06 pm PT...
Charlie L said
"We are being "Kerry'ed" again."
This morning I recieved an email from Kerry. It started out:
"Over the last 19 months, when you could have walked away, you dusted yourself off, got back on your feet, dug deeper, and you have fought even harder."
It was of course a call for money for the Democrats running this fall.
I replied:
"Why did you walk away and concede without a fight over all the fraud in the last 2 presidential elections, Ohio and Florida in particular, but elsewhere as well?"
Who wants to bet he sees it? - NOT
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 7/13/2006 @ 4:44 pm PT...
Erma, shut up and quit being such a quitter! Sheesh. Yah shame me, babe. The tides will turn.
-- Chris Hooten
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
Charlie L
said on 7/13/2006 @ 4:47 pm PT...
Kerry won't see your reply, BLUEBEAR2, because he only takes input from "advisors" like the Republican Lawyer who told him to concede in Ohio (Ref: Fritikas).
But, the Democrats (and Kerry in particular) will see our discontent in the fall when they come begging and find the spigot turned off. Even if they send Dean, he'll have to SHOW ME before he gets any bread.
Kerry sold us out. As far as I am concerned (and many progressives I know) he is finished on the national level. He can pretend to be an "elder statesman" or somehow "wronged" but really he proved to me that he was an easily swayed and lying sack of crap when he gave up and left $50million on the table.
"We'll fight for every vote." "We have lawyers on the ground in every state."
Oh yeah, how about those 250,000 "spoiled" in Ohio (Bush won by half that)? How about the 35,000 spoiled in New Mexico (Bush won by 4,000)?
I sent a similar letter when they asked me for money early last year. I keep telling the Democrats: NOT A PENNY UNTIL YOU PLEDGE TO FIGHT FOR EVERY VOTE TO BE COUNTED.
I made a mistake with Busby and gave her $25 (from Oregon, no less), and now I regret it. When she combs her list this fall to ask for more, I'll give her one hell of a piece of my mind, the lazy and scared coward that she is.
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
brock samson
said on 7/13/2006 @ 5:01 pm PT...
IrishAmerican says: ". . .These things combined spell out criminal violation of my civil rights as guranteed under the Constitution of the United States."
Actually, I believe there is no right in the fed constitution ensuring that your vote is counted. Also, complex legal "standing" issues make it almost impossible for anyone other than an electoral candidate to challenge election results. The rules that govern elections at the state level are largely administrative regs, which means they are more difficult to enforce, and easier to change on the fly. This Haas dude knows very well that his potential liability here is miniscule, which is why he can pretty much do what he wants.
I hate to agree with Erma above, but lets get real here folks: the probability of a succesful lawsuit in this area is very small, and even a principled judge who tries to insist on an accurate vote will likely be overturned on appeal. Only real legislation or constitutional amendment will have any effect, and since we can't get anyone elected to the legislature using the current system, we're pretty much screwed. Maybe the best we can hope for is that they are forced to overreach in their fraud this nov (only reason to even bother voting), and it gets picked up at a more significant media level. The stage is perhaps being set for this with the current media attention, so lets postpone our despair and plans for non-violent revolution at least until maybe early december.
I'm not saying these lawsuits aren't worthy in principle, and as PR, I just dont believe the judicial branch is going to be much help solving this problem. Hope I'm wrong. (& pray that shrub doesn't get another supreme ct nomination b/c then it might really be THE END.)
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 7/13/2006 @ 5:07 pm PT...
Charlie L. #29
You are wrong. Get with the program. It isn't history *yet*.
--Chris Hooten
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 7/13/2006 @ 5:12 pm PT...
#37 red-haired guy (?)
Any discussion of elected, or election or electorate implies votes being counted. A democracy on its face implies votes being counted. Don't be an idiot.
-- Chris Hooten
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 7/13/2006 @ 5:16 pm PT...
Aww shoot. red-haired guy is IrishAmerican
. I meant Brock. (Is that a real name? Sheesh)
-- Chris Hooten
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 5:27 pm PT...
Incredible as it may seem, in California anyway, going in with writs on administrative law, when properly made, make a BIG impact. State government agencies have been stopped in their tracks by this means, and very determined petitioners CAN get satisfaction in an amazingly short time.
C'mon kids, there HAVE to be plenty of very avid public interest lawyers just dying to take this one on! If any of you down in CA-50 are not on this one yet, HURRY IT UP, PUH-LEEZE.
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 7/13/2006 @ 5:32 pm PT...
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
brock samson
said on 7/13/2006 @ 5:36 pm PT...
Chris Hooten - I dont disagree (except maybe re idiocy), just pointing out that current US law doesn't in practice guarantee votes being accurately counted. That much should be pretty clear by now.
Sheesh - doesnt anyone watch adult swim? (GO TEAM VENTURE!)
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 7/13/2006 @ 5:37 pm PT...
Kinda out of character for you, Grizzly Dancer.
-- Chris Hooten
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 7/13/2006 @ 5:42 pm PT...
Trust me, US law guarantees voting, and thusly votes being counted.
-- Chris Hooten
"I am most intolerant of intolerance itself."
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 7/13/2006 @ 5:47 pm PT...
CH #44 State what is out of character.
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 5:57 pm PT...
Dunno, but I can guess Chris had you confused with Bluebear2.
COMMENT #48 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 7/13/2006 @ 6:03 pm PT...
i have no respect for someone who lays down to quote "save face" to avoid a controversy when evidence exists to support a fraudulently run contest. "Losers" not for losing the election, NO! "Losers" for going along with the program as a complicent sheep without the utterance of a single word of discontent . If people like these bastards served in George Washington's army, then the U.S. would still be part of the Britain.
COMMENT #49 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 6:10 pm PT...
Most excellent point, Grizz.
COMMENT #50 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 7/13/2006 @ 6:11 pm PT...
#42 Content good. Delivery bad.
COMMENT #51 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 6:27 pm PT...
And, actually, now, with Ms. Crier on the subject, Erma and Brock, there is a likelihood that super-public-interest lawyers will be stepping all over each other to nail this one. Prima facie, "democracy", the very word itself, implies properly counted votes... no need whatever for that clause in the Constitution. Quit being so defeatist and start working to make it happen NOW, because the threat of yet another monarchist Supreme Court Justice is very real, and, of course, because WE WANT OUR COUNTRY BACK! Every minute wasted on defeatism or negativity in the face of this difficult challenge serves only to help insure it is a self-fulfilling prophesy.
COMMENT #52 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 6:41 pm PT...
Chris Hooten told me:
QUOTE: Erma, shut up and quit being such a quitter! Sheesh. Yah shame me, babe. The tides will turn. END QUOTE
Yet another wishful thinker.
COMMENT #53 [Permalink]
John Dowd
said on 7/13/2006 @ 6:43 pm PT...
For days now I've been seeing requests on this site and on Velvet Underground saying to please donate to support the recount effort. Are we just being played to give money to this cause? Why wouldn't she pony up the earnest money? We can argue about what the total cost of the recount should have been, but we do know it will cost something well in excess of $6000. So I don't get it. I'm sorry, but her position looks bad to me. Particularly the part about wanting a delay so that she can review the documents. If she had just paid the money as requested, wouldn't she then be in a much better position to demand the documents and so on?
I think this is a very bad outcome. I could see it coming when she made all those demands that had to be met before whe would pay the $6000.
Now what?
COMMENT #54 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 7/13/2006 @ 6:50 pm PT...
#50 Perhaps. You know i am so sick of the politicians and media ignoring our environment in crisis, our constitution in crisis, our elections in crisis, and our wild lands being stolen and raped that my language has deteriorated once again for which i appologize.
On the contrary CH, this is somewhat characteristic of me. i have very little patience for these morally bankrupt/greedy bastards and rather enjoy slicing these bad actors politicos with my words of pure angst. I will take any of these rusters on. I refuse to sit smug as another day goes by where our country is being run by the biggest bunch of loser criminal liers hell bent on destroying my home, your home and the homes of all other species for which i speak.
COMMENT #55 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 6:53 pm PT...
John Dowd
There is a clip from the Thom Hartmann Show up on the front page that has Ms. Jacobson explaining why she didn't just fork over the money. I think that was a judgment call. Every reason to expect Haas would simply drain the coffers and not put up the goods, just as there was every reason to expect he would stonewall and not put up the goods. Haas is the offender here.
Personally, I thought her letter was very good, well advised, and now that he has refused to cave-in to the demand for proper procedural treatment, lawyers should be scaring the wits out of him next.
COMMENT #56 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 6:53 pm PT...
Charlie L #36
It was an earlier post of your's, where you mentioned sending a reply to their money request, that spurred me to send mine. Of course it is probably just some automated email thing and no one will read it, but it felt good just typing out the words and hitting "send"!
COMMENT #57 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 6:54 pm PT...
Where the fuck can I direct my fucking anger?
COMMENT #58 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 7/13/2006 @ 6:58 pm PT...
#57 Have you ever gone to a Korn concert?
COMMENT #59 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 6:58 pm PT...
Good for you, Erma, not letting yourself sound like a senile old woman, but you sure do sound like someone DETERMINED to be a drag. With your kind of thinking, it's a wonder we made it as long as we did. Are you too old to LEARN, to open your mind to a more positive point of view, EVEN if it might not pan out? I'm not 87 yet, but I can say for certain that I will be dead before I let my attitude get like yours.
COMMENT #60 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 7/13/2006 @ 6:58 pm PT...
Aww, well f*ckin' eh, maybe we should just forget about all these silly "democracy" concerns. Hey! how about we all ignore any possible security vulnerabilities that could entirely dismantle our very democratic way of government. Shoot! Who cares about the future?
-- Chris Hooten
COMMENT #61 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:00 pm PT...
#57 --- On the phone to the San Diego County Registrar of Voters?
#60 --- Erma doesn't!
COMMENT #62 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:03 pm PT...
Chris Hooten
You just haven't seen Griz with his hackles up before have you! Look out, he can tear ya ta pieces. I don't blame him one bit and have joined him with raised hackles before while dealing with ignorant trolls. Griz has his irons in many fires and they are all red hot!
COMMENT #63 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:03 pm PT...
I don't live in SD, but the logical step is to organize a sit-in at this scumbag Mikel Haas' house. Get a few hundred/thousand/whatever out there ahouting slogans and embarrassing him in front of his family and his neighbors. Then file suit against him. We've got to make these bastards aware that we WILL rise up when they take away our rights. They're counting on complicit media to keep us silent. (That's why they're setting their sights on the Internet).
COMMENT #64 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:07 pm PT...
99 #61
COMMENT #65 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:11 pm PT...
Sorry Grizz. I'm not doggin' patriots! I may have misunderstood.
-- Chris Hooten
COMMENT #66 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:13 pm PT...
Thank you #62 for the kind words. Fighting Bears will win this one.
COMMENT #67 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:15 pm PT...
And Agent, regarding your comment #51,
It's already happened. The Bush Dictatorship. It's already here. If you have eyes, please open them NOW.
I've been accused of defeatism and negativity before. I've heard all that stuff before. It runs right off my back.
I just look at the pure reality which is something many of you aren't real big on. You're this wishful thinking cult. You actually thought that something was going to come out of this Busby thing. LOL. I said last week it was a major waste of time and money. Yet you all kept on with your wishful thinking talk and old Erma turned out to be correct. As far as lawyers being successful in this case, well, I'll believe it when I see it. This is probably the last you'll hear about it. As I said before, we have an INjustice system, not a justice system especially when it comes to this stuff.
You also don't seem to have a clue as to who and what these evil and nasty neocon people in power are and what they will do to stay in power. They will take up arms to stay in power.
We already have a Bush Dictatorship NOW, Agent. Wake up! It's already in place. Where have you been? A DoJ lawyer (who Leahy questioned) told Leahy that "the president [sic] is always correct." In other words: DICTATORSHIP. And our sham "elections" with easily-hackable and rigged e-voting machines which are owned by Republicans will not change a damn thing. Remember the Busby "election?"
But keep on with your grandiose wishful thinking. By the way, how has it served you up to now? Disappointment after disappointment?
You can bitch and moan to and about Erma all you want but that accomplishes NOTHING.
No people, YOU MUST GET IN THE STREETS BY THE MILLIONS. YOU MUST GET IN THE STREETS OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BY THE MILLIONS. YOU are the defeatist for refusing to do what is needed. Sitting here on this blog and eating Brad's ass out every day ain't going to do it.
Get out in the streets people. Quit being so damn lazy.
COMMENT #68 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:16 pm PT...
#65 While i don't exactly know where you're coming from i don't find you offensive as of yet. If you are a real patriot, U R with us.
COMMENT #69 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:19 pm PT...
#61, I sent an email. It was short and technically polite, but...
I've got a slogan for the Haas protest:
COMMENT #70 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:20 pm PT...
I agree with your last two paragraphs, but I've had many a complete victory where EVERYONE was telling me it was impossible. Lots of experience under my belt with victories against all odds, with paradigm shifts in the status quo, and with defeats as well.
YOU need to reassess your position a bit, instead of just coming back more strongly with your insulting comments.
COMMENT #71 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:28 pm PT...
#69 --- I'm thinking venting your rage/wrath over the phone, where a human can hear. If you do it right, they won't hang up right away.
COMMENT #72 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:29 pm PT...
The president is always right (in reality terms). The Bushit administration has gotten away with everything as in EVERYTHING they have taken/stolen/and destroyed. Last i checked they are still eating at the White House not a Federal prison so i would tend to agree that the fcknut lying murderer is always righteous 7/13/2006.
COMMENT #73 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:31 pm PT...
There was nothing "insulting" about what I said. From my observations, it is the truth as far as I am concerned. I just told it like it is. And I am very secure with my position, thank you very much.
COMMENT #74 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:33 pm PT...
"... wishful thinking cult..." is not insulting? Really, quit being so rude and consider other angles.
COMMENT #75 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:34 pm PT...
Grizzly #62
You're most welcome! When the brown and blue fur starts flyin' they'll know how serious we are.
COMMENT #76 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:46 pm PT...
Erma: It's a nice thought to want to take to the street. Ultimately you are right but who wants to be in the poster boy in the front lines getting shot at and who is organizing this march? Certainly not the Republidem party.
What i give this Rovian Bushit administration props for is being the great dividers and using the illuminati wealth to champion their cause in the mass media while maintaining this illegally obtained control. What they don't have is a secret weapon (and it ain't a bomb). FYI: It's that black area in the back of your head . For now Bradblog is where it's at.
COMMENT #77 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:53 pm PT...
#75 Our day in battle is coming and all the world will rejoice.
COMMENT #78 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 7:55 pm PT...
Man, am I ever getting to be a Bears fan!
COMMENT #79 [Permalink]
SD Native
said on 7/13/2006 @ 8:20 pm PT...
How about a recall campaign for Mikel Haas?
COMMENT #80 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 8:26 pm PT...
If coupled with a "re"count campaign for Busby/Bilbray, I'm with ya!
COMMENT #81 [Permalink]
said on 7/13/2006 @ 11:33 pm PT...
The best use of a little money short term would be to hire a good private detective to investigate Haas & Family & use the info to ruin him. That stupid smirk of his has to have some dumb behavior behind it.
It's the fastest way to bring him down.
Of course, it won't solve the election fraud.
BUT it still would feel good AND serve as a warning to any other foolish public servants that decide it's fine to shit on the People. Kind of the People's mafia.
I wonder how much a good PI costs?
As I've said, there IS a way to fix our corrupt nation besides revolution or hunting down officials & killing them & their families...
it's by amending the Constitution by popular vote to give the People law-making power equal to the other branches. A new check & balance--since we have no real opposing party, just the Corporate Party, & since Dubya is now a dictator, ignoring laws & dissing the other 2 branches.
It will take all the corruption out of government all at once, because they can't make a law without our ok, nor declare wars, raise taxes, etc.
It is called the National Initiative for Democracy.
Both parties will fight it because it takes their power away.
If you go to you can look into it for yourself.
There is Constitutional precedent for this--our founding fathers used it. Switzerland began using this form of government in 1848, when it was a cow path & now it is one of the richest, best educated, best health care system, with one of the highest standards of living. About 23 of our own states have been using this too.
It will work. LOOK AT IT!
Have you got the gonads to get out of this mess or you just want to keep stewing?
COMMENT #82 [Permalink]
said on 7/14/2006 @ 12:54 am PT...
I vote for the Bear and agent 99. Referring to yourself in the third person denotes schizophrenia. I get a little out there myself calling people fascists and stuff.Can't seem to shake it., Since 2000. So hang around Erma, you will find the smart people so into reality, it rubs off on you. Helps me.
COMMENT #83 [Permalink]
said on 7/14/2006 @ 5:13 am PT...
Charlene, He kinda looks like hes got one of them "stoopid" chips planted in him like Bush and Santorum
COMMENT #84 [Permalink]
John Dowd
said on 7/14/2006 @ 6:55 am PT...
I like Charlene's idea.
If Jacobson had really wanted a recount, she would have paid the $6000. Then Haas would be on the hook to actually do something, and she could have sued him over breach of contract if he had not come through with all those things that she was supposed to get, under CA law. But no, just run out the clock, after many people sent in money *just for this purpose*.
Whine and complain, but fail to show any spine when it's time to have one. That's so new-democrat. Aren't there any real liberals left?--the kind who gave their lives in the South in the '60s--who could pony up the money and get the job done?
Is there anybody out there in San Diego who could just pony up the money and file a new request to get this done? If there was anyone willing to go the distance and they had a P.O. box (a Pissed-Off box at the Post Office) I'll bet that small checks and little green pictures of Hamilton and Lincoln, and Grant would start showing up there, as thank-you notes.
Ok, so now I'll sit back and wait for this comment to be diluted by more idle banter, from you cyberfolks who just want to talk about this and whine and entertain each other.
Angry liberal on the other Coast.
COMMENT #85 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 7/14/2006 @ 6:57 am PT...
How can this "used car salesman" stymie democracy? One used car saleman??? What kind of a system do we have set up, then? That one used car salesman can stymie a hand count? This means there's no democracy. Our election system is a joke. There's no democracy in America. Yet, we're "spreading democracy" to Iraq??? That's the 3rd reason now, Bushco is telling us we're in Iraq. We don't even have it here, therefore, we're spreading our cancerous election system to Iraq. That's the only conclusion of what we're spreading there. We have to have it HERE first, to spread it elsewhere. So, therefore, the Iraq War is also a joke, to those of you who now believe the 3rd reason we're in Iraq (the first 2 were debunked: WMD's & ties to Al Queda. I AM DEBUNKING THE 3RD REASON!!!!!!!!).
COMMENT #86 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 7/14/2006 @ 7:00 am PT...
If we are spreading what Bushco calls "our democracy" to other countries like Iraq, I have no other conclusion than we are spreading corruption to other countries, at the expense of the lives of civilians of those countries and our soldiers.
Nice going, GOP...
COMMENT #87 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 7/14/2006 @ 8:50 am PT...
Hey cat people. Big Dan you're comments about Iraq are dead on although i assume you probably had this conclusion before today. All the same it's a new day so lets see if we can get any closer to taking back our country by exposing election fraud and promote state amendment to ban electronic voting machines.
Everyday is important to bring down the human caused off the chart CARBON DIOXIDE LEVELS in our fragile atmosphere which is melting glaciers twice as fast right now in Alaska . All humans must learn what they can do to reduce Global Warming to avoid a catastrophic climate change. Check out the book 101 Solutions to Global Climate Change by Guy Dauncy and Patrick Mazza:
COMMENT #88 [Permalink]
said on 7/14/2006 @ 3:53 pm PT...
If we had had 10 special forces patriots back in the day, who were committed to ending Hitler&Co.'s evil fascist reign & if they had been successful--would it really have been wrong? Or would the world have given all 10 men a medal & kudos for saving thousands of innocent people?
True patriotism can be in many forms.
COMMENT #89 [Permalink]
said on 7/14/2006 @ 6:59 pm PT...
COMMENT #90 [Permalink]
said on 7/14/2006 @ 7:08 pm PT...
A brand new Eiger Sanction.