(Apparently He Wasn't Kidding)
By Brad Friedman on 11/30/1999, 12:00am PT  

Choice quotes from the website of San Diego County Registrar of Voters Mikel Haas' poll-rigging brother Don. Let's just hope Don's the black sheep of the family. We're sure the upbringing of Mikel --- the man tasked with conducting fair and honest elections in San Diego --- was nothing like that of his brother's (despite his Mom's posted joke about "the difference between Democrats and Republicans").

Don describes himself on his site as "King of the Right Wing Nut Jobs". He doesn't seem to be kidding. But when it comes to the point of resignations, such as the one being called for in San Diego by Democrats like SD County Dem chair Jess Durfee, and Republicans like the hard-right talk show host (and regular Rush Limbaugh fill-in host) Roger Hedgecock, Don seems to have a very short memory.

Here's a few choice Don moments from his own website...

On resignations (after Katrina):

[I]f you are a Republican you are far more likely to be forced to do the "right" thing and resign, even when there is no actual evidence that you did anything egregiously wrong, but if you are a Democrat there is no need to resign even when there is plenty of evidence you screwed up.

And later on same:

Mike ‘did nothing wrong’ Brown resigns….showing once again that Republicans are the only ones willing to take the blame for something…even if they didn’t do it.

On Democrats complaining about Bush:

Democrat senators using President Bush as a rallying cry!...huh?... is he running ?.... did I miss something?... People should be voting for Senators who will defend their State and their constituent's interests. Any candidate yelling about the President should just resign….do your job…dammit!...

On the Electronic Voting Machines his brother uses to (mis)administer San Diego's Elections:

And a quick note on Electronic voting machines…they work…they have all the needed safeguards…they have digital and paper reporting…they are not connected to the internet. They have been toughly looked over and signed off by a prominent North High Saxon ...so...If you don't trust them...don't vote at all….reporting errors and counting error have all gone down because of them…and we are not going back.

Then the ugly stuff begins...

Things Don "Learned From That Violent Bitch Katrina":

That it is perfectly acceptable and even admirable to blame anyone and anything for someone’s suffering, except for the people who allowed themselves to be put in danger in the first place.

That if those who are harmed by a natural disaster are mostly poor and black, that expectations for their behavior will be incredibly low and accountability for their actions and plight will be almost nonexistent.

That if you are a black democrat mayor and your city’s response to a crisis is abysmal; you can avoid universal criticism by almost completely breaking down and blaming everyone else really loudly.

That if you are a female Democrat governor and you refuse to ask the federal government for help as the law requires, it is the federal government’s fault that they didn’t invoke the Insurrection Act for the first time since the Civil War in order to overcome your stupidity.

That an entire nation can blame the President and the Director of FEMA for the results of an unprecedented natural disaster without even one specific, blatantly wrong action or inaction ever being proven or even really cited, while a mayor still doesn’t have to answer for unused buses and a governor isn’t required to explain the preventing of federal intervention.

On Cindy Sheehan (after writing "The mother of a fallen hero will never draw ire from me"):

Jesus lady…he volunteered for something he believed in…fought bravely...and helped secured my freedom...so if you continue to piss on his memory…you are pissing on me….and I forgot my raincoat. P.S. what kind of mother doesn’t support her son’s wishes? …. hmmm a Northern Californian…why doesn’t that surprise me.

My advice: Pull yourself down off the cross …use the wood to build a bridge and…GET OVER IT!!

And later:

I know only Cindy is the whack job in that family

On Robert Blake's murdered wife:

She deserved it…really she did….just like Peterson deserved the chair…that disgusting blackmailing whore got what she deserved.

On "How to Lower Crime Rate" (In response to William Bennet's comment about aborting black babies...Don calls him "Howard"):

In a radio show Howard Bennet came up with a unique answer to the question of how to reduce crime:
Abort all the black babies.

While I giggle at such a absurd notion (by the way that’s why he said it) I couldn’t help but notice the truth behind it (come on…when a race that is only 20% of the country does 40% of the crime in you know something is up) And you have to admit…..crime wouldn’t go up if it did happen.

On immigrants (a big topic for Don):

I have a family member on the border patrol and despite reports….they love the minute men…
Culturally I don’t have a problem with them thar Mexicans (boy do I love Carne Asada) but if you try to sell me something and you don’t speak English…your screwed ….cause my money is going else ware.

Earlier on immigration:

California is drowning debt from the Illegal immigration problem (Closed hospitals…10 million in Baby Anchor welfare payouts…and those bastards down they street that play the Roadium music too loud)

From Don's "2005 Year in Review":

What a wonderful year it was, as the horrible leadership of the Democratic Party continued their death march to oblivion.
Top Three Events:
‘W’ Sworn in…..again.
Two Iraqi Elections (boy… did that second one shut a lot of people up)
Cindy ‘I don’t get enough attention’ Sheehan starts her ‘I want Bush’ vigil and the cast of the L-Word show up for support.
Democrat John ‘off his meds’ Muthra demands all the troops be withdrawn from Iraq…Republicans say lets vote… Muthra then chooses ‘undecided’ and sits back down.
And to close out….For the second time in one year 15 million free people are running around with purple fingers.

On George W. Bush's "Election" in 2004:

Sorry everybody. I have been in a sugar coma since the sweet victory over socialism that was the Nov 2nd election. Bush squeezed out Ohio and solidified the reds to a solid electoral victory. And became the first 59 Million-vote president. Then Kerry did something unheard of in the democratic party….he conceded. At that point I didn’t know to do…I was hording nuts and berries for the long winter of screaming monkey lawyers. I feel like the Red Socks fans after the hangover subsided….what now? All my dreams were answered. WHAT NOW!
Do I have nothing to argue over anymore?
Has the nail gone into the coffin of the current Liberal Democratic Party?
Can we finally cut California in half and call our side PACIFICA?
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