Hide the bitch! She's gay!
By Brad Friedman on 9/4/2004, 3:02pm PT  

Mary Cheney, the "Vice-President's" own daughter was nowhere to be found in the "Family Portrait" shot at the end of the Republican National Convention. That's Dick, pictured at right after his speech at the RNC with all of his NON-GAY children and grandchildren accompanying him.

As you likely know, Mary is gay, and has a "longtime companion". Hence, apparently, she nor her partner are welcome on stage at a Republican National Convention.

Republican U.S. Senate Nominee for Illinois, Alan Keyes called her a "selfish hedonist" earlier in the day. But for the Bush/Cheney campaign who's willing to throw over their own family to appease the Jesus-Lovin' Hatists on the right it makes one wonder if they, in fact, are the selfish hedonists here.

Either way, so much for "Family Values" at the top of the Republican ticket. But the lip-service to it, like everything else they act like they stand for, goes on and on...

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