Company Found to be Security Failure - Yet Again - As Even FL Secretary of State Imposes Deadline for Company to Correct Problems or Face Decertification in Diebold-Friendly Sunshine State...
By John Gideon on 7/31/2007, 5:17pm PT  

According to a story in the Miami Herald by Marc Caputo;

"the Florida Secretary of State's office has conducted an elections study that confirmed Tuesday what a maverick voting chief discovered nearly two years ago: Insider computer hackers can change votes without a trace on Diebold optical-scan machines."

The study by the Florida State University Security and Assurance In Information Technology Laboratory (SAIT) has found that the issues discovered by Harri Hursti in the now famous Hursti I hack have not been addressed by Diebold. The SAIT Team also inspected the state's Diebold DREs and DRE Bootloader.

In a letter to David Byrd of Diebold, Secretary of State Kurt Browning gave Diebold until August 17 to correct the identified problems. Failure to do that will result in the system not being certified for use in the next election in the state.

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