By Brad Friedman on 11/17/2008, 12:26pm PT  

After Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) discusses the bailout as if it's something "they" are doing (as opposed to her, a member of the U.S. Congress) Ashton Kutcher called her on it on Friday's HBO's Real Time w/ Bill Maher, before going on to make a very significant point about the insane way this economic "bailout" is being carried out.

"With all due respect, you're in a position to do something very significant about it. We're all in a position to do something very significant about it," he tells the Congresswoman, before the actor/producer of Punk'd goes on to declare, deadly seriously, in reply to Maher: "They're punking us right now!" (appx. 2 mins)...

I'll tell ya, I was really impressed with Kutcher every time he opened his mouth on the show last Friday. I hope he keeps talking. Clearly, he's been paying very close attention to what's really going on out here. And, to that end, we'll have another clip of him from the same show later today, which offers some pretty good evidence that he must be a BRAD BLOG reader. Stay tuned...

Text transcript follows below...

MAHER: They passed out all this money. The banks were supposed to lend the money. That's why we gave the money to the banks. But we never got that in writing, you see? They didn't deploy the money. They're hoarding the money. [inaudible] ...but they got something for the money. We've gave the money with no strings. This is outrageous! [applause]

ROS-LEHTINEN: And they're about to do it again for the big three automakers, next week, next Wednesday...

KUTCHER: With all due respect, you're in a position to do something very signficant out it. We're all in a position to do something very significant about it. So to say "they are going to do it again", we are going to do it again, because we are the ones who are paying these gigantic financial institutions money so they can chill out and take these giant giant golden parachutes, whatever. These guys are sitting fat cat.

MAHER: Right.

KUTCHER: Now I run a business, and in my business, I make a lot of money. I do really well. If my business starts to fail, right? I'm the first guy who starts taking a cut, right? The big guy on top. Right now, Ford can't run a football team, let alone an automotive factory, right? And these guys...I'm sure they're making millions of dollars, right?! But we are gonna bail them out. We are gonna bail out the financial institutions. It's, it's crazy...

MAHER: So you're saying if the industry of "punking" takes a dive...[laughter] are the first one to...

KUTCHER: What are you?... They're punking us right now! [cheers] I think...I can't take a dive. We are all being punk'd...

MAHER: ...No, you're right...

KUTCHER: We genuinely, we genuinely are. You're right. Show me what the automative companies are gonna do to fix their company issue, and then we'll give you a loan, or then we'll help you out. I'd don't understand this... Look [raises hand] I want a free check!

ROS-LEHTINEN: And where does it stop? Circuit City?...

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