"Exclusive: Schakowsky Responds to Edmonds Claim, Vehemently Denies Lesbian Tryst With Turkish Agent"
(56 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Soul Rebel
said on 9/23/2009 @ 1:14 am PT...
Can we take a look at Schakowsky's day planner from 2000-2002? Did she go to any funerals? If so, whose? Just curious, might be a place to look for some kind of corroboration.
Whether the townhouse was hers or someone else's really isn't important - in fact, wouldn't it have been easier to bug a townhouse that didn't belong to Schakowsky, one that belonged to...oh, I don't know...the Turkish Lobby??
You know, I have had a lot of respect for Schakowsky as a liberal force in the House. I'd continue to have respect if she just came out and told the truth (that is, if the truth is other than Kincaid is claiming). Politics is a shit game, and unfortunately a relatively good one got covered in some.
BTW, where is the planet Xenon?
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 2:36 am PT...
It seems to me that the Congresswoman believes that she has a case against Sibel for libel. Please, file it. Let's get the entire truth out in a forum that cannot be ignored by the media.
Where are Hastert and Grossman?
Have they nothing to say?
Sibel Edmonds does not exist (in the media):
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Guy Incognito
said on 9/23/2009 @ 4:41 am PT...
Larisa Alexandrovna had a post up at her blog at-largely recently in which she named Jan Schackowsky as the 'mystery Congresswoman' Sibel had alluded to, well before this article was out. She claimed that she'd heard this rumor through other sources previously. The blog isn't searchable and Google isn't helping, so I can't find the relevant link, but it was within the past month or two.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Cosimo diRondo
said on 9/23/2009 @ 6:19 am PT...
Well, Schakowsky's reponse is certainly predictable. But isn't it nice to at least get ANY kind of public acknowledgment from ANYone involved? Would like to see same from Hastert, Grossman, et al. Let the smearing begin!
Also, check out the WaPo story this morning on Obama's loosening of the state secrets privilege:
Predictably, again, not a single mention of Sibel, and not even in the reader's comments (that is, until I posted one...but who the heck is gonna see that?). This ain't Woodward and Bernstein's WaPo.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 7:07 am PT...
"The angels wanna wear my red shoes" = Red Shoes - Elvis Costello
PS SR#1 Planet Xenon is just past the orbit of planet Stinky Pinky.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 7:09 am PT...
A google news search still does not bring up the Giraldi interview @ American Conservatrive. Interesting.
At TWN, a long time poster I have always suspected of being a hasbarist is trying to shove this story into the realm of the "birthers" and "truthers", much like Kincaid is attempting.
I sincerely hope that care is taken, while trying to get this story into the public eye, to avoid attaching it to other issues that may aid those such as Kincaid in shoving it into the fringe world of the tinfoil hat crowd.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 7:15 am PT...
>> Let's get the entire truth out in a forum that cannot be ignored by the media.
Love ya Plunger, but let's not underestimate the power of the media to ignore important things!
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 7:20 am PT...
>>the realm of the "birthers" and "truthers"
don't get me started. truthers and birthers are diametric opposites. ok too late, you got me started.
"truthers" are concerned with factual scientific evidence on top of a mountain of circumstantial evidence in a matter where 3000 innocents died and an economically crippling GWOT was launched.
"birthers" are concerned with the relatively trivial matter as to where the President was born. nobody died, no economies were ruined and in fact if Ahnold were in the running, the birthers would be the first pushing an amendment to allow non-native citizens to become President.
Conflating the two groups sure has worked well, huh?
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 9/23/2009 @ 7:24 am PT...
"It's a 'hit piece' by that Limey Bastard!!!!!!!!"
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 9/23/2009 @ 7:31 am PT...
Remember this "fairytale"???
"America doesn't torture anyone" - George W. Bush
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 9/23/2009 @ 7:35 am PT...
#2 comment plunger has the ultimate comment: if Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) does NOT file a libel suit against Sibel Edmonds, then everyone can assume that Sibel Edmonds is telling the truth.
Sibel should file a suit against Schakowsky! For saying she's lying!
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 7:57 am PT...
"I cannot address the reliability of the information being provided by the congresswoman and would not even want to attempt to do so."
How does that work? Certainly they will use this to deny all of the allegations. And it will work too - inside the MSM. Which is where it matters, unfortunately.
So I think you should seriously reconsider investigating - very thoroughly - the congresswoman's claims for accuracy and whether they have any bearing on Edmond's findings.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 8:06 am PT...
Great work, Brad.
The Schakowski piece is only a small part of this, but since she has responded, we should let it be known to her:
Edmonds was very careful in what she said about you, even if she got some of the satellite facts wrong. Edmonds made it clear she did not know if you had ever done anything illegal or even been approached as a subject of blackmail. You have now repaid that care with vitriol, name calling and a blanket denial. Your choice, so now you deserve whatever political consequences come if you are blowing smoke.
Rep. Schakowski, we wish you understood that every decent person will defend you and your right to fuck whoever you want, man, woman or other adult human, even if you're married, provided [i]you yourself[/i] don't treat it as a point of vulnerability. If you feel the need to cover it up for political reasons, we're even ok with THAT under certain circumstances. But when you, by your own carelessness, expose yourself to blackmail and choose to try to defend your secrecy at the expense of constituent service, this is when we leave your side.
Under these circumstances, your progressive standing rapidly diminishes in importance. You becomes just another politician who puts her personal gain ahead of public service, which is a shame.
As it stands, you are way off base in your characterization of Edmonds, and apparently you don't care if you do damage to Edmonds' credibility on other matters. Parts of this story have been out for YEARS, and not a single part of it has ever been shown to be false. It was apparently good enough for publication in places like Vanity Fair and the mainstream UK press.
Your response looks bad, characterized by direct avoidance of the most salient aspects of the story. Not what one would expect from a truly innocent person.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 8:14 am PT...
Here's the giveaway for me that Schakowski is full of shit: Edmonds is merely repeating WHAT SHE SAYS SHE WAS EXPOSED TO in the course of her employment at FBI. Why isn't Schakowski expressing curiosity about the source material? How on earth could Schakowski (legally!) be in a position to know this is all made up, and that Edmonds is making it up?
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 9/23/2009 @ 8:20 am PT...
It is interesting that the only public response comes from a member of Congress whom Edmonds has not accused of espionage or other illegal forms of corruption.
Throughout her deposition, Edmonds declined to name Schakowsky because Edmonds said she did not know whether the Turkish lobby scheme to blackmail Schakowsky for the lesbian tryst succeeded.
Edmonds told Giraldi that Schakowsky was "added to the list" in 2000. Her response to Schakowsky's denial reflects that Edmonds relied entirely on an FBI intercepts that covered the period 1996 to 2002.
The intercept said the Turkish female operative was to accompany Schakowsky to the funeral of "the mother."
Schakowsky says "her mother" died in 1987. There is no reason to question the accuracy of Schakowsky's statement as to when her mother died.
But this also does not necessarily call into question Sibel's candor. What it does call into question is the accuracy of Sibel's interpretation of the words, "the mother," in the FBI intercept or perhaps the accuracy of the intercept itself.
Do FBI intercepts contain the verbatim words of the intercepted conversations or a summation by an FBI employee of the gist of conversations? If the later, then there's always the risk of error by the FBI employee preparing the summation, especially if that summary pertains to a conversation in a foreign language. (There are many instances in which a word in another language does not literally translate into English).
Finally, while the lesbian tryst makes for the most salacious allegation, we should not lose sight of the far more serious questions involving not just corruption at the highest levels of government but espionage and treason.
Those questions are the real "story" which the entire media should be covering and which the Department of Justice should be investigating.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 9/23/2009 @ 9:42 am PT...
Big Dan @ 11 said:
if Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL) does NOT file a libel suit against Sibel Edmonds, then everyone can assume that Sibel Edmonds is telling the truth.
I wouldn't agree. It's very difficult for public figures to sue for libel, because they are then opened up to ALL sorts of stuff via discovery. It's also a very high bar to prove that a) the defendant was lying and b) defendant knew he/she was lying, but printed it anyway (malice).
Sibel should file a suit against Schakowsky! For saying she's lying!
That's a different matter entirely, of course.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 9/23/2009 @ 9:52 am PT...
Ernest @ 15 asked:
Do FBI intercepts contain the verbatim words of the intercepted conversations or a summation by an FBI employee of the gist of conversations? If the later, then there's always the risk of error by the FBI employee preparing the summation, especially if that summary pertains to a conversation in a foreign language. (There are many instances in which a word in another language does not literally translate into English).
Interesting that you should mention that point. Edmonds' original allegations against her co-worker (Melek Can Dickerson) in the Turkish translation division --- who was apparently a member of one of the orgs being targeted by the FBI --- included the charge that she had been mistranslating and/or mis-summarizing documents to that end.
From my understanding of the translation/language specialist divisions, the work of the translator on foreign-language wiretaps is *incredibly* important, as the field agents, who often don't speak the language, rely on the translators to tell them what is important and what isn't, amongst a mountain of wiretap tapes.
In the case of Edmonds' tapes, stretching from 1996 to 2002 in all, she had been tasked, as I recall, to go back through those years of tapes which had already been reviewed, in some measure, to make sure they had been properly reviewed. Apparently there were fears that they hadn't, or that important information had been missed.
She has told me (going from memory here, without checking old old notes) that Dickerson had been changing/re-writing summaries. Noting that some tapes were not important, after they had previously been found to be important, etc.
So, yes, the translators and their summaries and translations are a VERY important key in the counterintelligence division's investigations.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 10:40 am PT...
What possible reason would Edmonds have to fabricate stories about powerful people,thereby making herself a target of ridicule-and worse?
If she were manufacturing,why not come out with subsequent accusations,about othere figures,in the public realm. Has she continued to make statements about others beyond the time frame indicated in her depostion? I don't think so.
Hey,why not have Sibel sue Schakowsky for being called a liar?
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
Stop Turkey
said on 9/23/2009 @ 10:51 am PT...
Edmonds should challenge Schakowsky to sue her.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 10:55 am PT...
Here is an exceptional article about Blunt and his tobacco lobbyist wife,Abigail Pearlman.
And quite coincidenatlly, Todd Boulanger ,mentioned in the article as one of Abramoff's henchman,is testifying today,in the trial of another Abramoff associate,Kevin Ring.
Seems to be a media blackout on that ,too.Ring was Ashcroft's aide,yet its another elephant in the GOP living room...yet the media is blowing smoke rings to obscure the testimony. No doubt they are smoking Turkish tobacco to do it with.
Blunt's "Strict" Ethics Policy Is A Sham | Fired Up! MissouriFeb 1, 2006 ... According to Jessica Boulanger, who is married to Team Abramoff lobbyist Todd ... An Altria backed group, the American Turkish Council, ... - Cached - Similar
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 11:05 am PT...
National Journal Online --- Under The Influence --- News You Can Use ...We wanted to alert our readers to our ongoing coverage of the trial of Kevin Ring, a former lobbyist who used to work for the now imprisoned former lobbyist ... - 23 hours ago - Similar
Unheard No More!: Kevin Ring's Trial Has Begun: You won't hear ...Friday the Kevin Ring trial began in Washington, DC. I have a particular distaste for this former lobbyist who worked directly under Jack Abramoff ... - Cached - Similar
Correction: Ring was not an aide TO Ashcroft. David Ayres,who WAS, was called to the stand in the Ring trial last week and invoked his fifth amendment rights.
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
Erik Larson
said on 9/23/2009 @ 11:42 am PT...
Schakowsky smeared Sibel with false allegations that she believes '9/11 conspiracy theories'; this is not true; Sibel has testified to incidents she witnessed pointing to foreknowledge, obstruction and cover up by certain people, but has not promoted any 'theories'. Schakowsky did not specifically deny the allegation of an affair, instead claiming the info about the townhouse and 'mother' is incorrect, which are trivial matters. I couldn't care less if she cheated or is bisexual; i want to know if she was blackmailed, and what she did if she complied with demands.
Schakowsky *may* not have done anything- what's going on with the members of Congress and DOS/DOD officials named in Sibel's under oath deposition- Sibel has alleged acts amounting to treason in some cases; involvement in espionage, blackmail, bribery, money laundering and trafficking in drugs, arms and nuclear secrets. These allegations have been public since since Aug 25- and now in a cover story for Am Con. These people need to be pressed for answers.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
Louis Rovner, Ph.D.
said on 9/23/2009 @ 12:12 pm PT...
If the Congresswoman and/or Ms. Edmonds decide to take a polygraph test, it should only be what polygraph examiners refer to as a "single-issue exam", the most accurate of which is the Utah Zone of Comparison Test. Any other kind of polygraph test will lack sufficient accuracy.
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 12:20 pm PT...
Kudos to bradblog (1st I'd ever heard of it) in helping to publicize Sibel's very important revelations. I tried to get to pick-up the amcons cover story and have used its comment spaces to spread the word. I also posted a link to it at Juan Cole's Informed Comment, which he allowed into his comments section, as well as at, where a few posted replys to it, but not in the volume it ought to generate IF people were to click the link and read.
Saying that Edmonds's is a part of the "right wing smear machine" fails entirely as most of those named by her are Republicans, which is why BushCo gagged her in the first place. The problem is basic as most folks in our culture would respond to such allegations with knee jerk lie(s) of some sort. For me, those named Republicans are the primary criminals named by Edmonds, but there's nothing said by Schakowsky's mouthpiece about them or the high crimes that are alleged. It seems to me that Kincaid's attempt to paint Edmonds as non-credible is an effort to "front-run" for the accused Republicans. IOW, since there is NO mention of Schakowsky being connected in any way with 9/11 by Edmonds, then WHY is she accused of being a "truther" and "consipacy-theory" member? This informs me that Schakowsky DOES have something to hide, but not related to what Edmonds's revealed.
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 3:07 pm PT...
Me doth think they protest to much-
"9/11 truther"
"conspiracy theorist"
they're over egging the denial, this tends to be a sign that someone is hiding something, nit picking inconsequential things (to the over all story) and making strawmen arguments out of them .
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
joe blow
said on 9/23/2009 @ 4:04 pm PT...
Ms. Schakowsky is a victim of the Turkish government, not a crook. She should be treated by us all in that vein.
She will never answer the questions about the Turkish agent, except under compulsion and oath. She will merely parrot the Turkish lobby attack that Sibel is nuts, or make some other non-specific remark.
I am guessing that her husband is the key to all of this. When did his mother, or the first husband's mother die?
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 4:24 pm PT...
It seems to me that the fact that the bush administration had Edmonds gagged under the State Secrets Privilege indicates that there is validity to her claims. Also, I recall reading a UK article (year or more ago) about FBI agents corroborating Sibel's allegations.
And Schakowsky's response to Edmonds is reminiscent of the bush admins methods of marginalizing anyone that questioned or disagreed with them in any way--they're crazy conspiracy theorists, birthers, unAmerican, etc. Schakowsky's very defensive response makes it seem as though she's hiding something, particularly since Sibel hasn't accused her of doing anything illegal.
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 9/23/2009 @ 5:05 pm PT...
Couple of comments: I've never seen someone testify under oath, and a current politician call them a liar (or their spokesman).
2. Where's this video at? The bloackmail video?
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 9/23/2009 @ 5:06 pm PT...
BLACKMAIL...I mean. Sorry. Brad is a BLOKE-male (Limey).
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 5:10 pm PT...
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 9/23/2009 @ 5:10 pm PT...
One last comment, kind of a general one: for YEARS, I could never understand why "GAG" even exists! It's unAmerican to "gag" someone, in my opinion! That is "big government" at it's BIGGEST! "Gagging" someone should NOT exist! How dare the government "gag" someone in the first place...or EVER! That really frosts me! "Gagging" someone!
Whenever I hear someone was "gagged" by the government, I automatically assume they're telling the truth, why else would they be "gagged"? For lying? That wouldn't make any sense!
What happens when you break a "gag" order?
Could someone explain "gag" to the common folk here?
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
Soul Rebel
said on 9/23/2009 @ 6:33 pm PT...
Big Dan - are you kidding? My government makes me gag with interminable frequency. Seriously, I can't keep anything down.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
Soul Rebel
said on 9/23/2009 @ 6:38 pm PT...
I'm reminded of a Bloom County cartoon in which Binkley is gagging while reading the newspaper. Milo comes from behind to give him the Heimlich, saying "Spit it out!" At which point Binkley barfs up the following headlines:
"The Nicaraguan rebels are the moral equivalant of our founding fathers! Star Wars will work! The president doesn't use grecian formula 44!"
And then says "I...I just couldn't swallow it all."
Nor can I, man, nor can I.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 6:46 pm PT...
The interview between Scott Horton of and Giraldi and Lauria, is an essential listen as it directly addresses the question of Edmonds's veracity. They also raise a host of other questions and dilemmas. Like Lauria's series of articles published by the London Times that were NEVER picked up by the US Propaganda System, the current revelations are quite capable of suffering a similar fate. We must not let that happen.
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 7:11 pm PT...
Brad, Giraldi, Sibel thanks....."no one is above the law" we want to believe.
Schakowsky is going to try her best to paint Sibel as a "crazy" Keep offering to take a "public polygraph" if Schakowsky is willing to do the same.
Silence in the MSM about this complete Silence.
What are the issues that the MSM has ignored recently, Carl Camerons four part report on Amdocs, Infosys and datamining, the 9 time delayed Aipac trial that was finally dismissed, the recent Goldstone UN report.
I guess they figure we need to see the same clip of Joe "you lie" Wilson at least a hundred times.
Now they are on to John Edwards alleged baby.
Selling classified intelligence or passing classified intelligence off to foreign governments.
Rachel Maddow, keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Ed, Katie Couric etc "who cares"
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 8:57 pm PT...
"The mother" could refer to her mother-in-law or it could have been code or a nickname for someone in Schakowsky's circle. And if Sibel misspoke regarding the houses whereabouts (while trying to remember stuff from 8 years back) that hardly casts doubt on the rest of the details.
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
said on 9/23/2009 @ 9:08 pm PT...
24 April is when the Armenian Genocide is celebrated remembering 24 April 1915 Maybe this is what was translated as "funeral."
On 18 April 2000 John Marshall Law School, Chicago, IL had a lecture program on Recognizing, Preventing Genocide Crimes - ... the massacres and exile of the Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire,...
Rep Schakowsky is mentioned on this web page in an other article about an ABA Washington D.C. event on April 14, 2000.
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
Moshe ben Kelev
said on 9/24/2009 @ 5:35 am PT...
The minions of the Congresswoman are warm-air-blowing artists. Lets review:
The bottom line is that Ms Edmonds has no credibility because she is apparently willing to make things up and pretend that they are true.
* "Has no credibility" because of the say-so of some minion? How does he support that claim?
* Edmonds "is willing to make things up and pretend they are true"? Is that not rather a reversal of the facts, namely that the congresswoman and her minions are denying facts and pretending they are not true?
We have presented the facts and she changed her story as a result.
Having followed the story, it appears to me that things are the other way around, namely that Edmonds presented facts and they dissembled and presented a lot of hot air and angry shrieking.
"As with all fairytales, Ms. Edmonds' fantasy about Congresswoman Schakowsky was easily dismantled by introducing irrefutable facts.
Which "irrefutable facts" were introduced? The say-so of the minion? Since when are taped intercepts "fairy tales"?
It is clear from reading her response that Ms. Edmonds has decided to change her story rather than admitting her charade had been revealed.
When did she "change her story"? Which "charade" is he talking about?
The claims about Congresswoman Schakowsky do not have a leg to stand on and have been shown to be the stuff of science-fiction and absurd conspiracy theory; absent of any factual basis. Period."
So the FBI deals with "science fiction" and "absurd conspiracy theories"? Why would they put the FBI out of business in that way?
And, BTW, Xenon is a chemical element, not a planet, afaik.
The net (material) result of this whole affair will probably be some lezzy-pr0n filmed in low quality, featuring a granny doing lesbo things with a turkish hottie.
I'd suggest that iterested parties speak with the turkish spy service asking them to release the video so that everybody can have their laughs and put this whole sordid issue to rest
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
said on 9/24/2009 @ 5:42 am PT...
"and this information would include all their sexual preference, how much they owed on their homes, if they have gambling issues,"
How many etceteras might one add to that short list?
And considering the fact we put all our lawmakers together in one city, it makes it so easy for either K-Street or foreign agents to access them all in one spot.
I say lets bring em' all home, make them live with their constituents and do their debating and voting online.
The horse and buggy technology during the writing of the Federalist Papers is obsolete, to say the least, we don't drive horse-drawn carriages any more, so why do we send our lawmakers to one easily accessible spot as if that were still the case?
"VIRTUAL CONGRESS!" should be the battle cry of the new Netroots. Our lawmakers are too accessible to these dangerous influences of intrigue and international espionage when they are all clustered together in one place.
Get them out of DC and back home with their constituents! Let them debate and vote online, PUBLICLY!
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
said on 9/24/2009 @ 6:16 am PT...
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 9/24/2009 @ 7:01 am PT...
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
... Soul Rebel said on 9/23/2009 @ 6:33 pm PT...
Big Dan - are you kidding? My government makes me gag with interminable frequency. Seriously, I can't keep anything down. 
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 9/24/2009 @ 7:03 am PT...
Al "Ben" Franklin reads the 4th amendment of the constitution to those ignoring warantless wiretapping:;feature=player_embedded
Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Ben Franklin.
Ladies and gentlemen: this is what I expected from Al Franken, I think we have ourselves a winner!
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
said on 9/24/2009 @ 9:54 am PT...
How long before the Turkish videos of the encounter show up on YouTube?
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
said on 9/24/2009 @ 10:14 am PT...
The congresswoman's toadie's response is heavy on the ad hominem and light on meaningful rebuttal and facts. Methinks they dost protest too much. Did Schakowsky succumb to blackmail and commit treason?
As for the silence that's met this story, not only from the corporate media but from bloggers and journalists on the left--shame on them. It may be outside the portfolio for some, but others have no excuse; they've become part of the problem.
Thanks, Brad, for keeping after this story, because it goes to the root of the people's problems with government in the US. Thanks also to Sibel for her bravery and integrity. If the Medal of Freedom hadn't been so corrupted by W, I'd say Sibel deserves one.
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
said on 9/24/2009 @ 10:21 am PT...
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 9/24/2009 @ 10:48 am PT...
Thanks, POA. I'll try to jump over there. Happy to appear any time on Riz's show. Was on it last October, video here, so hopefully they still no how to reach me.
Unfortunately, I've got to spend the next hour or two finishing up today's Green News Report, so don't know if I'll have time to go post over at TWN. You are free to pass this on.
I should add, btw, Steve Clemons and the Washington Note were mentioned by Joe Lauria (who co-wrote the 3-part UK Sunday Times expose on Sibel's story, read 'em all here, here and here) during his interview with Scott Horton Tuesday.
Apparently Steve was offered the exclusive on the Edmonds deposition before we had it even posted here at The BRAD BLOG. For whatever reason, and I'm sure there plenty of good ones, Steve seems to have declined, according to Lauria in the interview, despite the very hot, exclusve on-ramp he would have had to this story.
Anyway, I'll do my best to jump over to TWN, but I likely won't be able to do so for at least an hour. Pass on whatever of this note that you like until then. And, as mentioned, Riz's AJ folks should have my phone number already if I can be of service over there.
CORRECTION 10/7/09: Lauria contacted me to mention it wasn't he, but Phil Giraldi, who was also interviewed at the same time by Scott Horton, who mentioned the lack of interest in the story by Steve Clemons and The Washington Note. The mention is just after the 10 min mark in Horton's interview here My apologies to Lauria for misindentifying him in the above comment.
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
said on 9/24/2009 @ 12:14 pm PT...
I took the liberty of posting your response at TWN on the thread I referred you to.
Should you choose to post over there, be forewarned, the CAPTCHA feature is a nightmare, and if you don't know your way through it, its impossible to get a post up. Bear in mind, his spamblocker will only accept two active links at a time.
Heres how I get through....
After your first attempt you will invariably get a box that says you copied the text of the captcha incorrectly. At that point, hit your back button to retrieve your post. Copy it onto your mouse. Open TWN in a fresh window, find the thread, paste your comment, and try again. That technique usually gets your post through. If you can't navigate it, feel free to email me your comment or comments, and I will post them for you.
COMMENT #48 [Permalink]
said on 9/24/2009 @ 12:28 pm PT...
Do we know if her husband's mother is still alive, and if not when she passed away?
That would be the next logical person who might be referred to as "the mother".
COMMENT #49 [Permalink]
said on 9/24/2009 @ 12:52 pm PT...
Kent, Bob Creamer's mother lived in Louisiana and passed away there in 2007, so she cannot be the explanation. The other possibility is that Jan might have gone to the funeral of her first husband's mother.
COMMENT #50 [Permalink]
karen from illinois
said on 9/24/2009 @ 2:38 pm PT...
most nights at my house we watch keith o and racheal...we know it is not real journalism but it is the closest thing to it on the msm
during commercials hubby will turn and ask,"so whats the real news today?"(cause he knows i read bradblog)
tuesday night when he asked, i was happy to report to him on the american conservatives article about sibels interview
he summed it up this way,so hassert took millions in bribes from a foriegn goverment,sold them nuclear secrets,that they passed on to unstable goverments and then retires from congress to work for a lobbying firm for the same foreign goverment and no one is gonna do anything about it?
we fixate on hassert because we are from illinois
then we talked about sibel actually getting to testify (that obamas justice didnt stop her)and ya know,it made hubby happy,that maybe there was a chance that quietly by letting this bad stuff come out lil by lil maybe something will change
today i was looking in old newspapers,last summers (for something unrelated)and found a story about 3 local state senators (one being bill brady)going to turkey of all places
bill brady intends to run for govenor in illinois,he lives in bloomington
the city of bloomington uses bbvs "middleman" software to report votes
the county clerk,who went to same conference and did NOT buy the middleman software(who was then charged with felony theft over 300 stamps she used for some charity mailing)just announced she would run again and is going to "automate" the office(i see the "middleman" reporting in mclean countys future)
from bloomington to turkey,i guess it is a small world
COMMENT #51 [Permalink]
Soul Rebel
said on 9/24/2009 @ 4:50 pm PT...
In response to a previous comment about Schakowsky not being accused of anything illegal, my ex-CIA friend says this....
"When we are talking about blackmailing Schakowsky it is relevant. She had a duty to report that she was being pressured to disclose classified information. If she in fact failed to report, she is in trouble. Such is the duty when you are a leader."
COMMENT #52 [Permalink]
Larisa Alexandrovna
said on 9/24/2009 @ 9:27 pm PT...
To Guy (
I never named the Congresswoman. That was and is my policy. I simply wrote that the person Ms. Edmonds was talking about was NOT Rep. Jane Harman. Here is the blog post to which I refer:
Just wanted to correct the record:) Thanks for thinking of me though:)_
COMMENT #53 [Permalink]
Jessica Ramer
said on 9/25/2009 @ 12:01 pm PT...
Am I alone here in thinking that Schakowsky's name should not have been disclosed? Give the woman her privacy, for crying out loud, especially since there is no evidence that she broke the law. Why subject her to public humiliation and possibly ruin her career?
The real issues are bribery, disclosure of classified information to foreign powers, and the relentless manipulation about Iraq before 911. The Schakowsky business is simply gossip.
COMMENT #54 [Permalink]
said on 9/27/2009 @ 8:39 pm PT...
JR53 sometimes a toe hold is enough to get over the next obstacle.
If the dream that is America dies it won't be Ms. Edmonds fault.
COMMENT #55 [Permalink]
said on 9/27/2009 @ 9:41 pm PT...
Bad stuff going on around this revelation. First, Schakowsky's stepson dies last week while snorkeling in Mexico where family is 'on vacation' (from the press?) Then in today's news NY congresswoman Maloney (champion of Edmonds and instrumental in getting 911 dust death case changed to homicide)husband dies 'unexpectedly' in sleep while on Himalaya mountain climb. (he was also some kind of Goldman Sachs bigwig...maybe two for a nickle here. Seems like things are getting creepier and creepier, maybe nite of the long knives???
COMMENT #56 [Permalink]
said on 9/28/2009 @ 8:21 am PT...
Certain communications channels intercepted by the FBI were known by Turkish agents to be tapped, so they fed garbage in hoping it would come out in some fashion.
They wanted to damage Jan Schakowsky's reputation; she was not capable of being bribed or compromised.
Schakowsky had long been friendly with the Armenian community, and had been an irritant to the Turks. Even before 2000 Schakowsky had made it clear she would push for visibility of the Armenian genocide. She is on record in 2003, 2007 and 2009 as well pushing for official House Resolutions, not exactly showing signs of being blackmailed.
Edmonds intercepted communications were a lie, a ruse, used in a set up by Turkish intel back years ago to stop what they then saw as threat. They fed this bogus information into the hopper, thinking it would quickly get out. I doubt they expected it to take 8 years to get out.
Sibel didn't do anything 'wrong' in reporting the intercept; what Sibel couldn't know is that some of these channels were being used by Turkish agents who knew were being monitored.
Sibel's original feeling about not making public the name was the right one; it's a shame she felt it necessary to decide otherwise eventually.