Brad is an L.A.-based investigative journalist/blogger, political commentator, broadcaster, author, Commonweal Institute Fellow, and the Publisher and Executive Editor of The BRAD BLOG (http://Bradblog.com), which Brit Hume of Fox "News" has described as "popular". (For somewhat more effusive testimonials, see below.)
As a writer, he has been a regular contributor to Salon, National Memo, The Progressive, Truthout and Trial Lawyer Magazine. He's written for Mother Jones, The Guardian in the UK, Slate, Huffington Post, AlterNet, Editor & Publisher, ComputerWorld, Columbus Free Press, Harvard's Nieman Foundation of Journalism, Hustler and many other non-pornographic publications and websites. Links to many of his articles and editorials at those publications and elsewhere can be found here.
On radio, after five years as the regular fill-in host for the nationally syndicated Mike Malloy Show, he now hosts host's the nationally (and internationally) syndicated program The BradCast each weekday. It's heard on flagship affiliate Pacifica Radio's KPFK and many other terrestrial air stations and Internet outlets around the world.
Brad is also the producer and co-host of the nationally syndicated "Green News Report", a regular 6-minute radio feature heard on stations and podcasts across the country, with his partner and co-host Desi Doyen.
Brad is a 2010 Project Censored award winner, recognized for "Outstanding Investigative Journalism" for his coverage of "The Mysterious Death of Mike Connell—Karl Rove’s Election Thief". He also contributed a chapter to Project Censored's compendium Censored 2010: The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2008-09
book on the enormous problems encountered by voters in the 2008 Election.
He is also co-founder of the non-partisan government corruption watchdog and Election Integrity organization VelvetRevolution.us.
Reports and breaking news from his popular website, The BRAD BLOG, are frequently cited by the national media, and can be read at www.BradBlog.com.
In addition to appearances on ABC News, CNN, CourtTV, Fox "News" Channel, MSNBC and elsewhere to discuss his reporting on a variety of issues, Brad is also featured in a number of documentary films which highlight his work, including:
- Patty Sharaf's Murder, Spies & Voting Lies
("Best Documentary", New Jersey Film Festival, 2008)- David Earnhardt's Uncounted: The New Math of America's Elections
("Best Documentary", San Diego Film Festival, 2008)- John Ennis' Free For All
- Dorothy Fadiman's Stealing America: Vote-by-Vote
- Phil Donahue & Ellen Spiro's Body of War
Along with co-writer Michael Richardson, Brad contributed a chapter on the illegal certification of electronic voting machines in Nevada in 2004 for Mark Crispin Miller's 2008 book Loser Take All.
On top of live speaking engagements around the country, Brad can often be heard as a frequent Guest Host on the progressive talk radio programs of folks such as Peter B. Collins, Mike Malloy, Randi Rhodes, The Young Turks, and a number of shows heard on the Pacifica Radio network. He's also the creator and host of The BRAD SHOW, a radio program co-produced with Internet news site RAW STORY and is heard as a regular and popular guest on radio shows across the country. More information, online listening links, and audio and video archives of favorite appearances are available here.
Just some of the many notable national stories he's broken on his blog include the "Secret Koch Brothers Tapes"; the "Tom Feeney/Clint Curtis/Yang Enterprises Vote-Rigging Scandal" (about which a documentary film, Murder, Spies & Voting Lies, featuring Brad and his years-long effort to investigate and report the story, has now been made); the story of the phony GOP voter suppression front group, "American Center for Voting Rights", the E-Voting Machine "Sleepover" controversy in San Diego's Busby/Bilbray U.S. House Special Election, numerous explosive exclusives on whistleblowers such as FBI translator Sibel Edmonds; the "The 2004 White House Website Scrubbing"; the voter fraud felonies of Ann Coulter; along with his well-respected, and widely-touted continuing coverage of various Electronic Voting Machine companies like Diebold, ES&S, Sequoia and many of the others who are rapidly helping to destroy American democracy.
He has filed, literally, thousands of stories on issues of Election Integrity and Electile Dysfunction since at least November 3rd, 2004. His expertise in such matters has earned him invitations to address the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) in D.C., the Texas State Legislature and many other governmental and non-governmental organizations.
In 2010, on the heels of his months-long series outing the New York Times for their having fallen for the ACORN "Pimp" Hoax created by Rightwing propagandists James O'Keefe and Andrew Breitbart, Brad was honored with the BuzzFlash "Wings of Justice" award.
In the spring of 2011, Brad's hard work finally paid off when he discovered that he (and his family) had become targets at the center of a $12 million U.S. Chamber of Commerce smear, disinformation and spy plot that was to turn tools developed for the "War on Terror" against U.S. citizens. Thankfully the scheme was exposed to daylight just before it was to put into action.
Still wanna know more? You may Email him here and he may answer.
For media queries you may also email Ilene Proctor PR or contact her by phone at: (310) 858-6643.
"One of the squeakiest wheels on the subject of voting is Brad Friedman, of 'The Brad Blog'."
-- CNN, Sr. National Editor Dave Schechter"Brad's work is more than just good reading--his insight, his diligence, and his staying power make him one of the most informative progressive voices in the alternative media. For all your work, and for your unwavering ability to speak truth to power, Brad, I thank you."
-- Rep. John Conyers, Jr."Thanks to Brad for speaking out on this issue, and for your passion in fighting for election integrity across America."
-- Senator Barbara Boxer"Your are a true American hero"
-- Robert F. Kennedy Jr."Brad Friedman is one of the Paul Reveres of [the Election Integrity] movement"
-- Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Ring of Fire, Air America Radio"If you want to learn about the state of our election process, I urge you to visit BradBlog.com. Brad Friedman has worked doggedly on this issue, amassing tons of valuable news and information on this subject."
-- Catherine Crier, CourtTV's Crier Live"Perhaps the most dogged critic of electronic voting machine technology in the blogosphere."
-- The New York Times"The state's most persistent blogger-watchdog on the dangers of voting technology."
-- The Los Angeles Times"Visit Brad Friedman at BradBlog.com…and, again, a very liberal leftwing guy, but I think he's on to something in this case. In fact I know he is."
-- Roger Hedgecock (Substitute Host for Rush Limbaugh)"In my opinion, Brad richly deserves the first internet investigative journalism Pulitzer Prize for his tenacious pursuit of the truth on electronic voting."
-- Deborah White, NYTimes' About.com"I love you, and thank you for what you do!"
-- Rep. Maxine Waters"Maxine [Waters] is my sister, but I'm gonna have to outdo her…But mine just won't be talk!"
"Thanks so much for your blog. I was recently asked some questions about Diebold's problems and used your blog as my main reference. Thanks for what you do!!!!"
-- Rep. Cynthia McKinney"I'm a huge fan of The BRAD BLOG."
-- Former Ambassador Joe Wilson"I just wanted to say thank you for your blog. I love it! It's a go-to place for me every day. And I hope anybody whose listening to this understands that you can get great information from Brad. And he is committed and it's hard work…and it's only about a thousand degrees and he's sitting here looking fresh as a daisy and I don't know how he does it."
-- Randi Rhodes, host Randi Rhodes Show
Interviewed by Brad on The BRAD SHOW during special coverage from Camp Casey in Crawford Texas"It's equally important to read John Conyers and BradBlog to follow the election scandal and reform story, because we all need to be aware of what we can do to prevent any more stolen elections." … BRAD BLOG is one of "democracy's leading defenders in America"
-- Jim Lampley, HBO/NBC Olympics Host, via Huffington Post"The BRAD BLOG is my favorite blog to steal from!"
-- Stephanie Miller, The Stephanie Miller Show"One of the great progessive bloggers!"
-- Mike Papantonio, Ring of Fire w/ Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on Air America"An absolute terrier on the topic of e-voting."
-- Robert X. Cringely, InfoWorld"…a blog by a guy named Brad."
-- Al Franken Show"This is a site you should visit every single day."
-- Mike Malloy, The Mike Malloy Show"A potent mix of investigative journalism and biting humor."
-- KPFT's Sunday Monitor"Folks remember this, on BRAD BLOG and The BRAD SHOW you're hearing non-corporately filtered news, information and analysis from people like you who are dedicated to changing our country."
-- David Cobb, 2004 Green Party Presidential Candidate"Among journalists, perhaps no single reporter has pursued [the story of E-voting machines] with more tenacity than Brad Friedman. His blog, BradBlog, is a daily must-read for everyone who wants to keep tabs on this subject, and he has used the platform to break several national stories."
-- Robert Scheer's TruthDig.com in naming Brad "Truthdigger of the Week" 11/3/06"Brad Friedman is the Paul Revere of the Election Integrity fight."
-- David Bender, Politically Correct, Air America Radio"Among the heroes that I mentioned today was Brad Friedman, and I really do mean that…and you got a round of applause from the Detroit audience, you are well known here, my friend."
-- Tony Trupiano, host Tony Trupiano Show, 2006 candidate for U.S. House of Representatives
Speaking about a 'Downing Street Memo' Town Hall Forum he hosted with John Conyers"Thank you, Brad. Democracy - if we are privileged enough to keep it after so many years of indolence - will owe so much to you, and we will too."
-- Mimi Kennedy, Progressive Democrats of America (PDA)The BRAD BLOG named as one of "our Media Heroes"
-- Danny Schechter, The News Dissector, author "When News Lies" and "The Death of the Media", filmmaker "Weapons of Mass Distraction""I want to commend you…remember that Tom Paine was the guy who was a great pamphleteer who got lots going in this country because he took it on himself as a citizen to get in there and raise hell. I think if more people did so, we'd be learning a whole lot more about our government than we are currently."
-- Bill Israel, Journalism Prof., contributor to Editor & Publisher, friend of Karl Rove"I was worried when we took a break to write our book that nobody would be there to cover the Election Fraud issues…but thank god for Brad Friedman who was scooping us right and left!"
-- Bob Fitrakis, editor of Columbus Free Press, co-author "Did George W. Bush Steal America's 2004 Election?"[on Election 2004 Irregularities] "Where's the media? They're right here...and they're paying attention to reporting by The BRAD BLOG…" [On O'Reilly lying about Jon Stewart] "Hat tip to Brad for getting to the bottom of it…." [on Ohio's 2005 Election Irregularities] "BRAD BLOG has been following this story extensively…" [on Karl Rove protests] "BRAD BLOG has a whole lot more including Eyewitness Report and Audio From the Protest...Brad's blogging up a storm…" [On Diebold and the anonymous "DIEB-THROAT"] "BRAD BLOG has the latest…"
-- John Amato, CROOKS & LIARS blog"Tracking electronic voting fraud issues like a tenacious bloodhound."
- Fairfield Daily Republic"Just saw the NYT picked up the story too, quoting our good friend BradBlog… BradBlog does the hard lifting for us…"
-- John Aravosis, AMERICAblog"One of the nation's premiere bloggers…his name is Brad Friedman."
-- Duke Skorich, Wisc. Public Radio"In addition to being an all-around great guy, Brad Friedman is one of my favorite writers and I consider The Brad Blog a daily must-read."
-- Bob Geiger, Yellow Dog Blog"BradBlog.com – if you're not going there, you should. Great information…Brad, you've done a great job in 2005."
-- Jack Blood, host Deadline Live radio program"He is a reporter and he corroborates everything. He is careful. He has a superb blog called The BRAD BLOG."
-- Barry Gordon, host From Left Field, KRLA"A blogger with a penchant for sleuthing breaks the story…that could 'prove' how elections could be stolen with e-voting machines…The blogosphere explodes…Watch your ass Matt Drudge. Meet your makers in Brad Friedman of THE BRAD BLOG …I cannot be more excited…This kind of evidence is what the Left may need to bitch-slap this country into the reality of e-voting."
-- Liza Sabater, Culture Kitchen, from "Has the left found it's Matt Drudge in BRAD BLOG and RAW STORY?""Brad Friedman, as always, has the story…Brad Friedman is a must-read!"
--Joseph Cannon, CannonFire blog"He's one of the best guests I've ever had on my show."
Christine Craft, Christine Craft Show, 1240am, Sacramento"Lately, The BRAD BLOG has been en fuego! Ever since the election, The BRAD BLOG has been dutifully and painstakingly breaking stories relating to voter fraud… Just imagine if we didn't have The BRAD BLOG. Who would have brought this to our attention?"
-- The Bulldog Manifesto on DailyKos"You're a jerk."
-- Bill O'Reilly, on The Radio Factor with Bill O'Reilly